I hope that you like my blog.

This blog is to show the stories that I write for school and for fun.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I'm tired of the pain.
I'm tired of people looking down on us.
I'm tired of being put in the small group of people who are different.
So what if you really like dying your hair a rainbow of colors.
So what if you like having lots of piercings.
So what if you like having tattoos.
So what if your taste in music is different.
Just because you like being different the the rest of the world doesn't mean that you are a freak.
It doesn't mean that other people have the right to put you in this small group.
Other people shouldn't be able to define who you are by what you look like or what you like to do.
You are the only one who can define who you are.
Or... you can just not label yourself.
Be unknown.
You don't have to choose.
You are who you are and that is all that matters.

Literary Literalist

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